






로그인 | 회원가입



Announcements 05.26.2024
1. Visitations can be requested by talking to Deacon Susan Lee.

2. Haven Prayer Meeting. Join us for our Midweek worship on Wednesdays. 8PM.

3. Songbok Hong and Kyoolim Han are going to Arizona Grace Church from May 29th to June 4th to serve in training their Summer Missions Team to Mexico. Please pray for them.

4. Thank to all who gave their lives in service of this country. We salute you on this Memorial Day.

5. Nicaragua Mission Team Meeting this Saturday at 1-3pm.

6. Paul Missions Group is sponsoring a Church Table Tennis Tournament on June 2. 3pm in the Cafeteria. Missions Fundraiser for Nicaragua. Please sign up with Deacon Thomas Won.

7. Education Department teacher’s retreat May 26-27 Honor’s Haven. Please pray for them.

8. Youth Orchestra Concert. June 8th 5PM.

9. Thank you Elder Hong for sponsoring the BBQ fellowship. Thank you to all the leaders who helped with organizing and cooking.

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번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회수
241 Announcements 11.17.2024 2024.11.18 21
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239 Announcements 11.03.2024 2024.11.04 43
238 Announcements 10.27.2024 2024.10.28 57
237 Announcements 10.20.2024 2024.10.21 63
236 Announcements 10.13.2024 2024.10.14 85
235 Announcements 10.06.2024 2024.10.07 74
234 Announcements 09.22.2024 2024.09.23 76
233 Announcements 09.15.2024 2024.09.23 81
232 Announcements 09.08.2024 2024.09.09 91
231 Announcements 09.01.2024 2024.09.02 96
230 Announcements 08.25.2024 2024.08.26 106
229 Announcements 08.18.24 2024.08.19 136
228 Announcements 08.11.2024 2024.08.12 149
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