1. Winter Retreat for Caleb Young Adults, and Joshua Young Adult Community.
Jan 2.-4. Please sign up. Winter retreat details for announcement today: $100 fee
for people coming Thurs. $80 for people coming Friday or later. Official meeting
time Thursday 11am at church. Church van departure time: 12pm. Lunch is
provided by Jubilee on the way. Google signups will be posted soon.
2. Baptism Class : Starting 10/20 for 4 weeks. Final Exam:
11/16(Saturday)Baptism: 11/17 (Sunday). Sign up with Rev. Sun Jin David Park.
3. Discipleship Classes: Genesis 1, Genesis 2, John, and Acts. Please sign up
by October 27th with Rev. Sun Jin David Park.
4. Nicaragua Short Term Mission: 2. 17-21st. Missions Fee: $1000. Applications
will be handed out next week in the church lobby. Please hand in by 10/27.
5. 2025 Vision and Leadership Meeting on October 20th after service today.
Please pray for next year’s plan.
6. Congratulations to all the New Comer Graduates.
7. Timothy Monthly Meeting October 27th Sunday.
8. Hallelujah Night will be held on October 31st Thursday. Please let Dcn Susan
Won know if you would like to volunteer.