1. Winter Retreat for Caleb Young Adults, and Joshua Young Adult Community.
Jan 2.-4. Please sign up. Winter retreat details for announcement today: $100 fee
for people coming Thurs. $80 for people coming Friday or later. Official meeting
time Thursday 11am at church. Church van departure time: 12pm. Lunch is
provided by Jubilee on the way. Google signups will be posted soon.
2. Congratulations to Dr. Joseph Hong & Heajin Amy Hong on their wedding
3. Tuesday is Election Day. Please go vote.
4. Nicaragua Short Term Mission: 2. 17-21st. Missions Fee: $1000. Applications
will be handed out next week in the church lobby. Please hand in by 10/27.
5. Thank you to everyone who came out to Holy Win to volunteer.
6. SOMA leader’s meeting today after Service.
7. SOMA meeting next Sunday after Service.