1. There will be a Congregational Meeting January 12th. After 11AM KM service. There will be a Jubilee Congregational Meeting January 19th after our EM service as well.
2. The New Semester for Dreamland will begin this coming Sunday. Please register your children for the Spring semester.
3. Last Timothy Monthly Meeting of the year today after service in the fellowship hall. Dinner provided.
4. There will be a New Year’s Communion Service next week Sunday. Please prepare your hearts.
5. Thank you for your Christmas Offering. $12,607.00 will be sent to charities and ministries that are in need.
6. Please pray for our JYAC/CYA Winter Retreat January 2-4th. American Keswick Retreat Center. Guest Speaker: Rev. Yohan Jang.
7. EOYBOY Potluck and Fellowship December 31th 7PM in Fellowship Hall. Please sign up which food you will bring using this QR code.
8. Each Group, please submit a list of your members and leader/leaders for the upcoming year. Crossroad, Timothy 1, Timothy 2, Joshua Young Adult Community, Caleb Young Adults, and Dreamland.
9. There will be a QT seminar:
1. What is QT January 5th, 1:30PM, 3:00PM
2. This is how we will be doing QT. January 12th, 1:30PM, 3:00PM.
10. There is a New Year’s Eve Service on 12/30 at 1030PM. It will be translated into English.