






로그인 | 회원가입



Announcements 03.24.2024
1. Visitations can be requested by talking to Dcn Susan Lee.

2. Haven Prayer Meeting. Join us for our Midweek worship on Wednesdays. 8PM.

3. Nicaragua Mission Trip is 7.6-13th. We will be doing both medical and discipleship/vbs. You can apply through Deacon Han Kim or Deacon Thomas Won.

4. Thank you for joining our SOMA Groups. Join us for our next meeting: Men’s Group, Women’s Group. Every second Sunday of the month.

5. Timothy Monthly Meeting today after service.

새글 0 / 241 


번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회수
241 Announcements 11.17.2024 2024.11.18 22
240 Announcements 11.10.2024 2024.11.11 41
239 Announcements 11.03.2024 2024.11.04 43
238 Announcements 10.27.2024 2024.10.28 57
237 Announcements 10.20.2024 2024.10.21 63
236 Announcements 10.13.2024 2024.10.14 85
235 Announcements 10.06.2024 2024.10.07 74
234 Announcements 09.22.2024 2024.09.23 76
233 Announcements 09.15.2024 2024.09.23 81
232 Announcements 09.08.2024 2024.09.09 91
231 Announcements 09.01.2024 2024.09.02 97
230 Announcements 08.25.2024 2024.08.26 107
229 Announcements 08.18.24 2024.08.19 136
228 Announcements 08.11.2024 2024.08.12 149
227 Announcements 08.04.2024 2024.08.05 149