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번호 사진 제목 본문 설교자 날짜 보기
50 Once For All Hebrews 10:15-10 Pastor David Park 2021-12-19
49 Tis the Season to Pray Philippians 4: 4-7 Pastor David Park 2021-12-12
48 Prepare the way of the Lord Luke 3:1-6 Pastor David Park 2021-12-05
47 Don't Worry Matthew 6: 25-33 Pastor David Park 2021-11-28
46 "Give Thanks in All Circumstances" 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Pastor Soung Ki Kim 2021-11-21
45 "Why does God not answer our Prayers? Pt. 2" James 4:1-3 Pastor David Park 2021-11-14
44 "Why does God not answer our Prayers?" James 4:1-3 Pastor David Park 2021-11-07
43 "Why we can rest in Peace" Hebrews 11: 8-22 Pastor David Park 2021-10-31
42 "More Prayer?" 1 Peter 1: 13-22 Pastor David Park 2021-10-24
41 "Who is the Holy Spirit?" 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 Pastor David Park 2021-10-17
40 "What is a Prayer?" John 14:13-14 Pastor David Park 2021-10-10
39 "What is a Test?" Genesis 3: 1-6 Pastor David Park 2021-10-03
38 "What is Faith?" Hebrews 11:1 Pastor David Park 2021-09-26
37 "Why we must learn the Word" John 3:30 Pastor David Park 2021-09-19
36 "Peter's Confession" Mark 8: 27-38 Pastor David Park 2021-09-12