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EM 설교

EM 설교

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번호 사진 제목 본문 설교자 날짜 보기
35 "Blessed is your faith" Mark 7: 24-37 Pastor David Park 2021-09-05
34 "You will Be a Blessing!" Genesis 12: 1-3 Pastor Steve Kim 2021-08-29
33 "The Widow Plight" Luke 7: 1-17 Pastor Keith Coleman 2021-08-22
32 "Living Faithfully One Step at a Time" Ephesians 5:15-20 Pastor David Park 2021-08-15
31 "Maturity" Ephesians 4: 25 - 5: 2 Pastor David Park 2021-08-08
30 "Unity" Ephesians 4: 1-16 Pastor David Park 2021-08-01
29 "Spiritual Power" Ephesians 3: 14-21 Pastor David Park 2021-07-25
28 "The Great Peace" Ephesians 2: 11-22 Pastor David Park 2021-07-18
27 "Blessings of God" Ephesians 1: 3-14 Pastor David Park 2021-07-11
26 "Finding Christ in the thorns" 2 Corinthians 12: 2-10 Pastor David Park 2021-07-04
25 "Healer" Mark 5: 21-43 Pastor David Park 2021-06-27
24 "Authority" Mark 4:35-41 Pastor David Park 2021-06-20
23 "Mustard Seed" Mark 4:26-34 Pastor David Park 2021-06-13
22 ""Do not lose heart" 2 Corinthians 4:13- 5:1 Pastor David Park 2021-06-06
21 "Holy Holy Holy" Isaiah 6:1-8 Pastor David Park 2021-05-30