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방송보기구분 : 영상보기

번호 사진 제목 본문 설교자 날짜 보기
125 Don't make less, make friends Matthew 5: 21-26 Pastor David Park 2023-06-04
124 What is Grace? Matthew 5: 17-20 Pastor David Park 2023-05-28
123 Salt and Light Matthew 5:11-16 Pastor David Park 2023-05-21
122 Mother's Love Matthew 5:1-10 Pastor David Park 2023-05-14
121 Children and Parents Colossians 3: 20-21 Pastor David Park 2023-05-07
120 David over Goliath, Jesus over Death 1 Samuel 17: 32-53 Pastor David Park 2023-04-30
119 God's Surprising Choice 1 Samuel 16: 1-13 Pastor David Park 2023-04-23
118 Why we need Jesus in a Cancel Culture 1 Samuel 15 Pastor David Park 2023-04-16
117 God will turn your sorrow into Joy John 16:16-22 Pastor David Park 2023-04-09
116 Palm Sunday Mark 11: 1-11 Pastor David Park 2023-04-02
115 How can we be free of people's eyes? 1 Samuel 14 Pastor David Park 2023-03-26
114 Who can we Trust? 1 Samuel 13 Pastor David Park 2023-03-19
113 When You Are Burnt Out 1 Samuel 12 Pastor David Park 2023-03-12
112 Overcome Your Wilderness Matthew 4: 1-11 Pastor David Park 2023-03-05
111 Lost King 1 Samuel 10:14 - 11:15 Pastor David Park 2023-02-26