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      JUBILEE MINISTRY of New York Pure Presbyterian Church exists to Glorify God by Growing Christ-centered committed Christians who would become compassionate Kingdom workers.

      1. By Christ-centered we mean first that we would come to understand that our hope of salvation and righteousness rests on the truth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only way to the father; and that because of that hope our lives would be lived in light of that incredible sacrifice. Our goal is that we would be thoroughly gospel centered in our understanding of salvation and our continued lives as Christians.

      2. By committed Christians we mean that out of the knowledge and rootedness of that gospel truth we would grow more faithful, fruitful and fulfilled in our relationship with Christ. To be committed means that we are devoted to being disciples of Christ growing in discipline and the fruits of the Spirit to be more conformed to the image of Christ. It also means that we are committed to use the gifts, talents, passions and life experiences that He has given us, for His glory.

      3. To become compassionate kingdom workers means that we are committed to using our gifts talents passions and life experiences for the specific purpose of fulfilling the great commission that was given the church of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Our hope is to become Christians who would not only reflect Christ-like character but to serve in a Christ like manner. With the love and compassion that was evident in the life of Christ we are called to be the hands and the feet of Jesus in a broken sinful world. Our vision is to grow mature disciples of Christ who sacrificially serve our Lord because their hearts break at what breaks the heart of God.

      4. To be a kingdom worker means that we are committed to expand God's kingdom in our:
      1. Immediate circles of influence.
      2. Community of faith: Jubilee Fellowship
      3. Local community.
      4. Global community.
      Reverend Sun Jin David Park finished his M. Div. degree at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts with a concentration in Church History.
      Before being appointed as pastor of our Jubilee English Ministry, he was pastoring in the Boston and New York area.   Pastor David is ordained in the General Assemblies of Presbyterian Church of Korea, Pure Presbyterian.  He is married to Kyoolim and has a lovely daughter named Ayoung Olivia.  Kyoolim Han Samoneem also studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary graduating with a Masters of Counseling with a concentration in Marriage and Family Therapy.  This family seeks to be God centered in all things, and seeks to serve our community with Jesus love.  

      Rutgers University/New Jersey Institute of Technology BA Biology
      Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary M.Div